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Everyone needs a go-to rentals company. This is a great opportunity to be that person for all of these vendors, the venue and caterer. Your Production Manager will be responsible to pick out the tables and chairs needed to make the event happen but if there is a special product that you'd like to feature, please communicate that. We'd love to show off what you have as long as it fits the inspiration board!

You will be responsible for all of your own load in, set up and load out. Often, our venues can be flexible with next morning load out so if that would be helpful for you, please let your Production Manager know and they can check on that for you.

Typically, Vintage Rentals vendors provide a lounge area and collaborate with the other designers. Other vendors enjoy integrating your products into their designs as well (ie. a cake designer may love to use a cool dresser instead of a 6-foot table). If you have products that you think would fit those kind of needs, let your Production Manager know and she'll get those conversations started. (Vintage rental vendors: Be sure to read the Design + Floral section as well!)

If you provide a specialty rental (linen, china, etc.) your Production Manager will set you up with the vendors that will be incorporating your pieces into their designs. Please give them explicit instructions on how to handle your products (or even better, expect to handle as much as you can on your own). Please remember that you're responsible for all of your own load in and out and cleaning of your products (not the vendors who are incorporating your pieces).